Friday, October 9, 2009

Learn About the Author

Learn About the Author

Jessica L. Quinn

Grade Level:
11th grade English, Literature and Composition
5 class periods on a 7 period day , approximately 5 hours
Lesson Description or Explanation

Students will research an author who lived and wrote prior to 1939. They will create a presentation using a technology of their choosing to present facts about their life, writing style, lists of works, rationale for the author’s most popular work(s), photographs, reasons for choosing this author, a bibliography. Students will then present their findings to the rest of the class.

Indiana Curricular Standards
11.2,. 11.4, 11.5, 11.7

ISTE Standards
Student Standards 1, 3, 4, 5, 6


Students will present their findings to the class as well as provide their work for the teacher to evaluate using the criteria of: how accurate is the information, are the sources sited properly, is the project creative, conventions, and ideas behind their rationale.

Prior Knowledge

Curricular Knowledge or Skills: Students will know how to write a short essay and sight sources.
Technology Knowledge: Students ought to know how to use a search engine and be familiar with their chosen presentation method.

Internet Resources: any search engine (Yahoo, Google, AskJeeves, etc)

Hardware: Computer, video camera, overhead projector, printer

Software: Microsoft Office, RealPlayer, Windows MediaPlayer

Students will have the full week of classes to research their chosen author using the internet. It is up to them to decide how much time will be dedicated to research and how much is dedicated to putting together their presentation. This project is done by individuals.

Differentiated Instruction

Students can access bilingual sites and can have help in translation. Students can also research authors in their native tongue.

Students can insert video/audio clips into their work and will be encouraged to read a text by their chosen author.

Special Needs
Students can have sites read aloud to them, work with the teacher to establish a timeline for completion, use earbuds to listen to text, and have an extra day to complete the work.

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