Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Rock Cycle-Sedimentary Rock


Marissa Corey-Wilson-This lesson plan is adapted from a Block II assignment that was written by several members of a group, myself included.

Grade Level:

4th grade


This lesson is a one day lesson that is part of a five day study that takes 45 minutes every day. Because I plan to demonstrate how to use the different tools in Word Paint, I expect that this lesson will take 1 hour.

Lesson Description or Explanation

This lesson is designed to help students develop knowledge of sedimentary rock. This lesson has the students divided up into centers. These centers are designed for the students to learn about different aspects of sedimentary rock, and how it is formed. At each station the students will be asked to complete a different task.

Indiana Curricular Standards

4.3.6 Recognize and describe that rock is composed of different combinations of minerals

WRITING: Processes and Features

4.4 Students write clear sentences and paragraphs that develop a central idea. Students progress through the stages of the writing process, including prewriting, drafting, revising, and editing multiple drafts.

ISTE Standards

1. Creativity and Innovation

Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology. Students:

C. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.

3. Research and Information Fluency

Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:

Process data and report results.



Formative: At station one, the students will be asked to produce a written piece about their pet rock. This will include where their pet rock could have been found, how it was made, how they know their pet rock is a sedimentary rock, and name its characteristics. At station two, students will be asked to take an interactive Power Point quiz after reviewing how sedimentary rocks are formed. At center three, the students will be asked to draw an example of how sedimentary rocks are formed. I would like them to use a writing utensil and paper or if they want use Paint on the computer to show me they know how sedimentary rock is formed. By doing these assessments my students will show me if they are grasping the content needed to be learned.

Summative: At the end of this unit of study the students will be asked to explain by essay or computer quiz how the rock cycle works and how igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks fit into the cycle.

Prior Knowledge

Curricular Knowledge or Skills: Because the students are learning how sedimentary rock is formed, the students will have learned on previous days what igneous rocks are, how they are formed and where they fit into the rock cycle process.

Technology Knowledge: The students will need to know how to use PowerPoint to start their quiz. Because this method has been used in the classroom before, the students know how to take the interactive quizzes and tests. Students will also need to know how to pick different tools on Word Paint to produce their computer created drawing.


Internet Resources: (please list URLs)

As stated previously the students will need access to a computer with Microsoft Word 2003, or 2007, and with an internet connection.


Beginning of lesson: 10 minutes will be devoted to teaching the students how to use the drawing and erasing tools in Paint.

Beginning of lesson: 5 minutes will be devoted to discussing what the class has learned so far. As a class students will be asked to write what they have learned on a K(now)W(ant to know)L(earned) chart.. By doing this the class can discuss what they have been learning and what they think they might learn as the week progresses.

The rest of the lesson will be hands-on; each station will be approximately 15 minutes long. There are three stations.

· Station 1 includes writing an essay about the students’ pet rock that was provided to them at the very beginning of the unit. These rocks were hand- picked from a selection provided by the teacher. The student will be asked to write how they know that their pet rock is a sedimentary rock. They will also be asked to write how their pet rock came to be a sedimentary rock. The students will also be asked to write places that sedimentary rocks are commonly found.

· Station 2 includes looking for information that the students can put on their personal KWL charts. This will help the students contribute to information provided for the class wide KWL chart. Students will be expected to find information using the internet by selecting kid- friendly websites. Because the students will be on school provided computers, websites will already be filtered through the school’s internet protection system. After completing their research and adding to their KWL chart students will be asked to complete a PowerPoint quiz that will require them to select the correct button according to the answer they think is correct, and type answers to questions that are asked on the PowerPoint. These will be one or two word answers. Because there will be multiple students per station, students will be allowed to work with a partner at this station.

· Station 3 lets students get creative using their drawing skills. The students will be asked to show through a drawing how sedimentary rocks are formed. The students will be able to select a variety of materials including, paper, pens and pencils, or markers and crayons. Students will also be able to use Word Paint as a means to produce their picture.

Differentiated Instruction


At each station there will be directions written out for my ESL learners. By providing the directions in the language that the student speaks, the student(s) will be able to participate in the activities. I will also provide books about our lesson that are also translated into the language the student natively speaks. For the written part of my students’ product I will allow the student to write in his/her own language after they have at least tried to write about their pet rock in English. For the station in which the students are to take the PowerPoint quiz, I will also provide the quiz with key words in the language my student speaks fluently. Depending on what language my student(s) speak, I will work closely with the parents of that student to make sure that my adjustments are correct.


For a challenging activity I would ask my students to create a PowerPoint on what they have learned so far about metamorphic, sedimentary, igneous rocks, and the rock cycle. In this PowerPoint I would ask for definitions and explanations of how the rock cycle works and how each rock is made. I would also ask my students to make a glossary of key words that we have been studying. This activity will let my students to be creative with their product, and the students will have the freedom to share with me and the rest of the class what they know about rocks.

Special Needs

This lesson will be available on a computer that has volume control, and the computer screen can be enlarged for students with vision impairments. Because my students will be able to work in partners, students with physical disabilities will be able to rely on their partner for mouse control. My quiz that will be for everyone will also be adapted to so that my students will get leveled questions. By doing this all students will feel and be successful.

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